Saturday, March 26, 2011

Green and Responsible Celebrations!!

Applying the 3 R's- recycle, reduce and reuse to a party theme is a good example to teach our kids to think outside the box, be more creative and less materialistic. Educating them about the green living is a step forward in raising the child who appreciates and is thankful!
Parties are fun and will always be because they are from us and people around us. They are about getting together, celebrating, enjoying and cheering. A few hours of glee should add smiles and memories to our lives and not a heaping pile to the landfills.
My green and responsible party series is going to be all about simple and savvy ideas which will help us think creative, save money and bring the waste to bare minimum.
Change begins with us. Happy green and responsible living!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Pom Pom Chicken!!

What you will need

  • 2 big yellow pom poms, a little different in size (small pom poms can be used for book marks, greetings, gift wraps, envelopes and even on top of pencils)
  • Orange foam or construction paper for nose.
  • Orange foam or construction paper for wings
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Pencil for sketching (optional)
  • Crayons or paints to add some color to wings (optional)

Glue the pom poms together.
For eyes, stick black beads.
For nose, cut a tiny triangle from foam and stick under eyes.
For wings, cut construction paper or foam in oval shape and glue it on the sides.
For webbed feet, First cut the foam in oval shape, then cut zigzag design (Like vvv) on one end. Stick them on bottom with the zigzag design outwards.

Pom Pom Chicken is all ready to rock!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fraktur Art!

Fraktur is both a style of lettering and a folk art created by Pennsylvania Dutch. It includes sun, birds, hearts, flowers, leaves, patterns and tulips. The art was executed in ink, natural and water colors and was used for variety of purposes like personal gifts, certificates and blessings.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mosaic Gond Painting!

Featured in Times Republican.
Featured on cool stuff art gallery

Gond Painting in India is an ancient tribal art dating back several hundred years. The Gond tribe painted the walls of their mud homes with pictures to mark important occasions such as weddings, birth and the harvest. Gond painting has no borders or rigid themes and is done with very bright colors. The basic form is filled with tiny dots and dashes.

All you need is

  • Construction Paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Card stock
  • Paints
  • Paint brush
  • Marker
  • Pencil (for sketching)
For each bird cut 4 pieces (2 wings, tail and body) from different color construction paper.
Glue them on card stock in the shape of flying birds. Draw stripes using marker. Finish with vibrant polka dots using paints and brush.

Enjoy the art!

Thanks so much for visiting and have a colorful day!!