Saturday, December 7, 2019

Arjav~ Living in harmony with ones thoughts, words and actions!

Whenever we are not in harmony with what we are thinking, saying, and doing, we end up causing more friction in our mind, thoughts and heart. This ultimately leads to conflict, agitation, anger and tremendous suffering.

Arjav is a Sanskrit word that means living in harmony with ones thoughts, words, and actions.

Incorporating the knowledge of Arjav in our self care yoga practice everyday provides with  a wonderful opportunity to dive deeper and look within ourselves. 

Checking- in with ourselves, our thoughts and feelings without applying any filters of judgements. Keep asking yourself again and again (Punah Punah)- 

What is it I really want? 
How am I feeling? 
What’s causing me suffering? 

Reset, again n again! 

🌹Peace, Love n Grace

Nourish ~Knowledge and handout from my today's self care workshop

Friday, December 6, 2019

Settle into stillness with self Inquiry!

Tune into the present moment awareness!
~Close your eyes
~Take a deep cleansing breath in and relax as you breath out. 
~Become aware of the feeling of breath coming in to your the air becomes your breath. 
~Become aware of the feeling of breath leaving your your breath becomes the air.

When you feel settled and still ask yourself~

Who am I?
Why am I here?
What is the purpose of my life? 
Where am I going? 
Am I happy? 

This inquiry into self is a very simple act of contemplation and introspection which can take you to experience deep stillness. Don’t be in a rush to look for the answers, carry the questions with a wonder in your awareness, just stay with the questions and let the answers reveal.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Be an architect of your future!

Take a moment everyday to pause and reflect if your thoughts, words, actions and choices in alignment with the person you want to be?