Monday, August 2, 2021

Many people have a problem letting go of control, and this brings them anxiety, restlessness and soured relationships.

Wake up and see – are you ever in control? What do you control? Perhaps a teeny tiny part of your waking state!

You are not in control when you are sleeping or dreaming. You are not in control of the thoughts and emotions that arise in you. You may choose to express them or not, but they come to you without your permission.

Most of the functions of your body are not under your control. If you think you are in control of the events in your life, it is a big joke!

When you look at life from this angle, you are not afraid of losing control. Because you have none to lose in the first place!

Let go! 

~ Sri Sri 

#selfhelp #mentalhealth

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Do you think you can teach even a child?

You cannot. The child teaches himself. Your duty is to afford opportunities and to remove obstacles. A plant grows. Do you make the plant grow? Your duty is to put a hedge round it and see that no animal eats up the plant, and there your duty ends. The plant grows of itself. So it is in regard to the spiritual growth of every man. None can teach you; none can make a spiritual man of you. You have to teach yourself; your growth must come from inside.

Swami Vivekananda

(CW/V2/Practical Vedanta and other lectures/The Ideal of a Universal Religion)